Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Positivity Post

Hey guys! So it's Wednesday, you know what that means… a new post!
So I was racking my brain trying to think of what to write about this week and then I realized… the holidays are over and we have a while until the next one. So, maybe we could do a little positivity post to keep us all happy until we have a break in school or a fun day to celebrate!
Here's a few tips on how I stay positive and trust in myself and also some ways you can too!

It's hard being a teenage girl, you feel like everyone may be judging you and that you are under so much pressure from every different aspect of your life. Your coach, your parents, your friends, your teachers! Is there any way out?!?! Always always always remember, God wouldn't give you anything you can't handle. He knows you can persevere and come out stronger than you ever thought possible. If you're wondering how to deal with obnoxious girls (or women!) that may be nagging you about something or gossiping falsely about you, you know what you have to do? Ignore them and go talk to your friends or your mom or someone you trust and just know that you are beautiful and you are worth more than every last thing on this Earth. Have them reassure you that you are loved and there is nothing you need to worry about especially regarding the rude people in this world (and they're everywhere). Don't be ashamed to talk about what you may think is wrong, have them 100% assure you, you have nothing imperfect about you. You are beautiful in so many uncountable ways.
Always remember that.
I hope you guys enjoyed today's positivity post and you can embrace your true self and face life head-on!
P.S. I'm gonna try to do at least one positivity post per month as a regular thing so keep a look out :-)

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